Friday, 15 February 2013

The Official Logo of Distirct 87, Division K!

Dear all beloved members of Division K,

Let's TALK about it!

As you have noticed, our official poster for the convention has this cool embeded logo on it. This is our offical logo to represent the division! Ain't it looked cool?

The reason for the creation of this logo is to assist the division for marketing expandability in the near future, such as printing of T-Shirt, Pens, Sticker, and posters. Let us look forward to the GREAT things that might come with the creation of this logo.

See you all at the 17th Annual Convention 2013!

Shane Ho, CC, ALB

What She has to Say??

Dear Fellow Toastmasters,

Greetings from the Division K Council!

Yes, the Division K Annual Convention is back! This time, your very own Division Council is hosting and what a programme we have lined up for you!

Division K 17th Annual Convention
Date: 6th – 7th April 2013
Venue: Le Meridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu

Sign up NOW to a full convention package of only RM150 for a weekend of entertainment, fellowship, educational talks and inspiring speeches!

Here’s a sneak peak of what’s in store:

Day 1:
6th April (Sat)
Welcome Night/Dinner Talk
Theme: Enchanting Pastels

Back by popular demand, we will be combining food, games, and talks all in one night. How’s that for incorporating fun and fellowship into learning! Come dressed in your favourite pastel colours (think Spring and Easter – it is April after all) and be prepared for lots of laughing and mingling during the first portion of the evening.

For the second portion of the evening, talks by TWO insightful speakers, not to be missed:

1.      Amelia Inbam: “Say It Right” – This speech language pathologist from SWEPA will be teaching you vocal and breathing techniques for better speech articulation – the secrets to speaking more clearly and confidently!
2.      Sivakumar Kumaresan: “Speaking With Heart – The Energy Connection” – Our very own seasoned Toastmaster will share with you how to be authentic when speaking, setting intentions, and projecting energy – the secrets to connecting with your audience emotionally and mentally!

Day 2:
7th April (Sun)
Division K International Speech & Table Topics Contest

The highlight of the convention! Come to support and root for your fellow Toastmasters as six Area representatives compete for the coveted championship trophy and a place at the District Contest in Sibu come May 2013.

So fill in a registration form today and be part of this fun-filled and inspiring weekend. Let’s learn, laugh and grow together!

See you at the Division K Annual Convention!!

Yours in Toastmasters,
Nora Ridzwan, CC, ALB
Organising Chairperson
Division K Annual Convention 2013

17th Annual Convention 2013